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Phone number lookup or HLR allows you to obtain accurate and up-to-date information about a phone number, such as the current status, whether the number has been ported to another operator or is currently roaming out of the country. This helps optimize costs by reducing the number of failed or undelivered SMS messages.
see a year-on-year reduction in SMS campaign costs when using mobile number lookup services.
suffer from data errors that can be easily avoided with HLR validation.
face sales and marketing problems due to invalid and non-optimized contact information.
The name of the registered operator network
If the telephone number has been moved from one network to another
If the phone number is currently roaming on a different network
The country where the telephone number is registered and in use
Phone number lookup allows you to contact the right people at the right number, cross-referenced with your CRM.
For companies in the financial sector, Tecnologías SMS number lookup service can obtain detailed and validated customer information.
With HLR sweeps, you can minimize the amount of SMS sent to wrong or disconnected numbers.
The ideal support for a call center are SMS mass mailings, with our HLR avoid additional costs by sending ineffective mailings to outdated databases.
Find out how Tecnologías SMS can help your company. Complete the information below, our team will contact you shortly.
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